10. Crowbar - Half-Life
It is the iconic weapon of the Half-Life series and the signature weapon of Alien killer, Gordon Freeman. The crowbar is the first weapon that Gordon acquires in each game and aids him in combat and solving puzzles throughout the Black Mesa facility, City 17 and beyond. The single piece of cast iron painted red with silver tipped ends has made the crowbar one of the most noticeable weapons in gaming. Whether it be destroying crates, clearing obstacles, breaking padlocks or being your last defense after running out of ammo, the crowbar has always served as a trusty weapon.
9. Mehrunes' Razor - The Elder scrolls V: Skyrim

8. 211-V Plasma Cutter - Dead Space
The plasma cutter is to Isaac Clarke like the crowbar is to Gordon Freeman. The plasma cutter offers unrivaled reliability with firing options that allow players to dismember necromorphs with vertically fired lines of ionized plasma or horizontally fired lines for maximum potential. Ammo is plentiful, which in a game Like Dead Space is sure to make the plasma cutter one of your best friends when fighting through necromorph hordes. The ability to upgrade weapons allows you to craft an even deadlier plasma cutter and in the second game, you even have to option to ignite enemies in flames. Again, the plasma cutter is one of those weapons that has become a trademark or icon for a game series. The plasma cutter is often one of the first weapons people think of or recognize from Dead Space despite the large arsenal that is available to Isaac throughout the game, which earns it a spot on this top ten list.
7. Mk 2 Lancer Assault Rifle - Gears of War
The Mk 2 Lancer Assault Rifle is unlike any other rifle due to the fact it has an attached chainsaw for cutting up Locust hordes. Not only is the chainsaw intimidating, it's actually practical. The original Mk 1 Lancer only had a bayonet fixed to it which was not very effective against locust armor. Marcus Fenix and his father, Adam Fenix are actually the brains behind the Mk 2 Lancer and the design was conceived by Adam Fenix himself. The chainsaw addition allowed Gears to easily cut through Locust armor and aerved as a better melee component on the rifle itself. The rifle holds a whopping 660 rounds (550 in Gears 2) allowing you to mow down Locust hordes easily. However, if they close in or flank your cover, they'll be sorry when the mean-looking teeth of that chainsaw rips them apart.
6. Energy Sword - Halo
Easily one of the most popular weapons from the Halo series, the Energy Sword takes spot six on this list. The Energy sword is one of the most deadly weapons in all of Halo and is only wielded by the Covenant Elite or the Sangheili. The sword is extremely effective in close quarters combat and successful strikes from the sword almost always result in a fatality. The razor sharp ionized blades of the Energy Sword can cut through the densest of metals, reduce enemy shields to zero and kill in a single strike. White-hot energy produced by the blades burns and cauterizes flesh, organs and tissue inside the body creating wounds that are nearly impossible to recover from. The tactful Sangheili also devised a fail safe within the sword which destroys the weapon if the original user drops it. The energy housed within the sword destroys the hilt preventing enemy soldiers from retrieving it. One of the most awful sights a player can see in Halo during multiplayer is that of an enemy player running toward them with an energy sword equipped. If you don't have a rocket launcher, sniper rifle or sword to defend yourself, you'll add a tally to your deaths.With the ability to kill an enemy in a single strike or cause permanent damage, the Energy Sword easily earns its place among the top ten weapons of all time.
5. Fat Man - Fallout 3 (New Vegas)
Fat Man was originally the codename for the atomic bomb detonated over Nagasaki; in the post-apocalyptic world of Fallout, it is a gun that catapults 'mini nukes' that will decimate your enemy. Don't misinterpret 'mini nukes' because there is nothing mini about this gun. The nuke which is loaded into the catapult like device is slightly larger than the average human head. Weighing in at about 30 pounds, the Fat Man is the perfect weapon for taking out small armies, enemy strongholds, or a pack of mutants with a nuclear strike. It makes the perfect explosive weapon, from far range; get to close and you could find yourself feeling the blast as well. It is much wiser to fire the weapon upward, similar to a mortar to avoid be caught in the nuclear blast range. Another variant of the Fat Man, the Experimental MIRV is even more destructive with the ability to fire eight mini nukes at once. The resulting explosion is a small mushroom cloud and a bunch of dismembered bodies. Also, be sure not to head into that blast radius to scavenge without a radsuit, or some radaway as the entire area with be irradiated.
4. Crissaegrim -Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
The Crissaegrim is considered to be the ultimate weapon of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. The weapon allows the player to walk while swinging and each attack results in four great, successive swings. The swings cover the entire area in front of Alucard from above his head to below his feet allowing players to slash anything in their path. The lightning fast swings and power of the sword make it the most powerful weapon in the game. Coincidentally, it is also the most elusive weapon in the game. It can only be found by killing a schmoo in the Forbidden Library section of the castle. Schmoos are difficult enough to find and the chances they drop a Crisseagrim are very rare at best. With enough dedication though, players will obtain this legendary sword and if they feel up to the task can find a second to equip in their left hand making them a killing machine.
3. Master Sword - The Legend of Zelda
Possibly the most iconic weapon of video game history comes from a franchise that is 20 years old and one of the most famous game series of all time. The Master Sword is a recurring weapon in the Zelda games forged by the goddess Hylia and only worthy of being wielded by a true hero, Link. Imbued with the power to vanquish evil, the sword embodies much more than being just a weapon. It symbolizes true good, power, and is the definition of what it means to be a man and a hero of the people. It is the only weapon capable of destroying, Link's nemesis, Ganon and has become so recognizable with the Triforce etched blade and winged hilt. The moment in which Link pulls the sword from its alter within the Temple of Time is always a highlight in each title and gives players this ultimate feeling of accomplishment. The Master Sword may not be the biggest sword or the most deadly but you won't ever see Link fighting the forces of evil with any sword but the fabled Master Sword.
2. BFG 9000 - Doom

1. Zero-Point Energy Field Manipulator (Gravity Gun) - Half-Life 2

There are a lot of other powerful and just plain awesome video game weapons out there. Did your favorite weapons make it on the list or are the others you would have preferred to see on here? share your thoughts in comment.