Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Black Ops 2 details emerge, Treyarch has new vision for Call of Duty

Call of Duty: Black Ops is one of the most successful entries in the popular call of Duty series and Treyarch is breaking the Call of Duty formula again to ensure Black Ops 2 is even bigger and better than its predecessor. Black Ops featured a strong plot and multiplayer that had been implemented with new innovations such as a currency system which resounded with the online community making the game another instant hit in the series. Treyarch has plans for the next game in the series, Black Ops 2 which will change the Call of Duty series entirely.

In an unexpected move, Treyarch is taking Black Ops 2 to the near future in year 2025 and will follow new protagonist, David Mason son of Black Ops' Alex Mason. Alex will still play a role in Black Ops 2 as players will assume his role alongside S.O.G. badass, Frank Woods in flashback sequences set during the 80s. Woods and other familiar characters from Black Ops will make a return in the game and not just in flashbacks; that's right Woods isn't dead, in fact he's very much alive and you may have recognized him in the reveal trailer for the game.

In order to construct a believable and cohesive plot for the game, Treyarch consulted specialists to brainstorm on some viable reasons for future wars. What they learned is that rare earth elements are currently a high demand resource that are used in the production of popular consumer electronics, energy saving resources and military technology and weapons. Currently China supplies 95% of these rare earth metals and in the game the demand for these resources leads to the beginning of a new cold war. The new antagonist of the game, Raul Mendez exploits the political tensions between the United States and China to begin this new war and finds a way to hijack the new unmanned death machines of the future.

In a mission observed by game reporting officials Mason is in the middle of an attack in downtown L.A. protecting a female president. A preview for the game revealed various new futuristic firearms such as a firearm that is electrically powered instead of powder based; guess this means you'll have to watch energy levels and pick up batteries of some kind. A sniper was also shown with a scope that gives players the advantage of seeing enemies through walls and is powerful enough to pierce these surfaces. Another feature revealed was a touch screen operated device on Mason's forearm that allows him to call in drone support, airstrikes and other reinforcements.

While vehicle operation isn't new to Call of Duty, Black Ops sounds like it will be giving it much more attention this time around. One part of the gameplay describes a sequence in which Mason enters a futuristic plane and has a full-blown dogfight with some enemy drones. Gameinformer officials described it similar to something out of an Ace Combat game. Hopefully we can expect some much more entertaining vehicle gameplay sequences.

While these are all some great alterations to the gameplay, there is one that will break the linearity that Call of Duty is known for. Players will come across branching paths throughout the campaign. Sometimes it is only a matter of how to continue the mission like getting on a machine gun or flanking the enemy but Treyarch has teased that there will be some heavy choices involved that will alter the outcome of the game and even decide which characters live or die. This will make the campaign so much more interesting and should even add some replay value to the game. I feel like having consequences for certain actions and having to make choices in a game is one of the greatest elements to help immerse players in the game and I'm glad Black Ops 2 will be adopting the idea.

Not only will players have to make choices in the main campaign but in a new game mode directly linked to the campaign called "Strike force Missions" players are challenged to complete objectives in an open-ended environment in whatever way they deem necessary. The missions are presented to the player throughout the campaign and they all affect the war differently. Players must choose which ones to complete as they can not all be done in one play through. In the strike force missions, players are given control on a random soldier and given a list of objectives to succeed. Players are allowed to complete the objectives in whatever order they see fit and can employ different tactics to complete the objectives. You can enter 'overwatch view' which allows you to scan the battlefield and choose a new soldier anywhere to control or even vehicles to operate. However you're given 20 minutes to complete the objectives and if you fail, you fail for good. The outcome of each strike force mission will radically shape the ending of the game so players are encouraged to succeed if they want a positive ending.

Treyarch seemed to focus mostly on the campaign but teased there are going to be some radical new changes to the multiplayer as well and that the ever popular zombie mode will make a comeback with its own changes. I'm excited to see that they're making some significant changes to not only enhance the playing experience but just make the game worth it. Call of Duty has a an enormous amount of fans but it also has its fair share of naysayers who criticize the series for being too linear. With these new changes however, it seems Treyarch intends to keep their fans happy and maybe even gain a few back.

 Make sure to tune into E3 the first week of June to see the inevitable gameplay walk through for Black Ops 2 and keep an eye out for more news here on Game Quest.

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